let’s take a quick snapshot of some of the key forms of it at present:
- Websites and SEO content
- Blogs
- Internet banner ads
- Online video content
- Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
- Email marketing
- Social media marketing (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
- Mobile marketing (SMS, MMS, etc.)
This is far from an exhaustive list, and new forms of digital marketing, such as augmented reality, are arriving all the time.
So, why digital marketing?
First of all, digital marketing is infinitely more affordable than traditional offline marketing methods. An email or social media campaign, for example, can transmit a marketing message to consumers for the merest fraction of the cost of a TV ad or print campaign, and potentially reach a wider audience.
But one of the main benefits of conducting your marketing digitally is the ease with which results can be tracked and monitored. Rather than conducting
Perhaps the strongest case for incorporating a digital element into your marketing is that digital media forms are quickly overtaking traditional forms of information consumption. According to the Office for National Statistics, over 82% of UK adults went online in the first three months of this year: that’s over 40 million individuals.
The bottom line is, the digital age is here, and those businesses that fail to adapt to the new marketing climate are at great risk of going extinct sooner rather than later.
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